20 March 2009

10:21 PM

It has a strong, strong
blackberry taste. The nose sucks.
That just went down wrong.
…complete tale.
I didn’t dislike it.
Yea. Yea. Yeah.
Damn those must be old.
I prefer whiskey buzzes.
Nice, sit in your belly—nice candle
burning in your belly.
Music: play some music.
It’s on my bed.
We all sort of rely on you for
Drinking the kool-aid.
Bullshit what you talking about.
…ready to agree with him?
This is not a joke so please stop smiling.
What do you mean by death?
I am trying to break your heart.
What the Fu—I mean this is Bull—…
I absolutely believe this
at all…
Sand bag…that night
It’s not about having guts or…
I guess I am just saying…
That was delicious.
It was a...2003 was one of the best
years in France.
Some kind of bitter—
It’s a lot of air; have to let it sit
for at least 20-30 seconds.
Tastes more alcoholic.

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