02 March 2008

Two of a Kind, They Met

Two of a kind, they met in the vast array of the non-fiction aisle. Only Dorothy Parker was to blame, for she drew them close, magnetized and confounded. Why would anyone else want to read Laments for the Living? How utterly peculiar. They thought their weirdness strictly a solitary quality -not shared with an attractive other. Once she spied the romance and he the comics, each literary taste went wayward.


Tom said...

A little bit of fiction makes a nice garnish for non-fiction.

And what inspired this entry? It's good stuff and this is coming from an honest man. It's short, but it also has some surprising weight to it. You squeezed a lot out of a small space.

Andrea said...

My friend described this couple he knows; one likes romance, the other, comics. I had fun with that image. I can't say I particularly like either genre. They would be somewhat of a guilty pleasure...if I did read them. And I always thought a bookstore would be the perfect place to meet someone.

You know I did hear some strange things that night...I didn't know to whom they were directed towards.